Year 8/9 - Extension Academy: Performing Arts

Year 8/9 - Extension Academy: Performing Arts


The course provides students the opportunity to develop skills in various areas of Performing Arts. The purpose of this course is to extend upon students’ talents and skills. Students work collaboratively to create and present a performance that encompasses skills in Dance, Music and Drama, general performance technology and skill. Key areas of focus include, collaborative skills, Performing Arts technology, Performing Arts as an Industry and presenting group performance. Students develop their own skill within their preferred area of Performing Arts and learn to work with other areas in order to create original performances.

Students are selected based off both their attitude and abilities via an audition process.

Units / Topics Types of Assessment
Cohesion- learning to work together Folio including development of ideas and
Performing Arts as Industry workshop items
Major Performance Major Performance

Future Directions
Students may seek to pursue Performing Arts opportunities in Year 9 and at the Senior Campus.