Year 7 - Religious Education

Year 7 - Religious Education


In Year 7 Religious Education, students are welcomed as members of a Catholic community. “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6) – our college mission calls us to come to know Jesus as the model of discipleship and the way to God. Through a variety of topics, students explore beliefs and traditions of the Catholic faith and its role in the world – past, present, and future. They engage with other religious perspectives and use their own beliefs and ideas to make meaning for themselves.

Units / Topics Types of Assessment
Welcoming & Belonging Folio
Sacraments of Initiation Research Task
Jesus: Life & Mission Comparative Reflection
Charity vs Justice Group Campaign

Future Directions
Students continue to study Religious Education as a Core Subject in Year 8. They also have the potential to enrol in elective courses: Youth Ministry or Cantabile.