Year 10 - Core Mathematics

Year 10 - Core Mathematics


Year 10 Mathematics students will continue to develop and consolidate their F – 10 Mathematics Curriculum knowledge and skills in a variety of mathematical concepts from the Mathematics 2.0 Victorian Curriculum.

Students will be introduced to the Level 10 Mathematics curriculum and will develop an understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with processes and be able to reason, pose and solve problems in Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability.

The Year 10 Mathematics course focuses on consolidating and enhancing students’ skills in all areas of mathematics in order to best prepare them for the VCE study of Mathematics.

Units / Topics Types of Assessment
Number systems and algebra. Test (technology free and technology allowed components)
Linear equations and relationships, including inequalities. Application and Modelling Tasks (technology allowed)
Functions and relations, including non-linear relationships such as circles. Semester Examination (technology free and technology allowed components)
Quadratic relationships and functions, both algebraically and graphically.
Exponential relationships and functions, including applications of growth and decay.
Trigonometry and measurement, including volume and surface area of different shapes.
Probability, including conditional probability and independent events.

Future Directions
Satisfactory completion of this subject will provide a sound foundation for students to proceed to Unit 1 & 2 General Mathematics and/or Unit 1 & 2 Foundation Mathematics.