Year 7 - Health and Physical Education


In Year 7 Health and Physical Education, students are introduced to a variety of activities with the aim of developing basic physical skills such as strength, balance, and hand/eye coordination. The specific outcomes of the program are to develop these basic skills, as well as fitness and positive sportsmanship. Students will participate in a range of sports and activities such as: Netball, T-ball, Soccer, AFL, Minor Games, Volleyball, Cricket, Fitness, Cultural Games and Swimming. Students will also be exposed to several health-related topics and current local, national and world issues in their theory lessons.

Units / Topics Types of Assessment
Bullying Topic Tests
Respectful Relationships Extended Responses
Mental Health Research Assessments
Consent Media Analysis Assessments
Healthy Decisions Practical Assessments
Water and Sun Safety

Future Directions
Successful completion of Year 7 Health and Physical Education can lead to the Basketball Academy or the Sports Academy classes in Year 8.

Year 8 - Health and Physical Education


In Year 8 Health and Physical Education, students learn how to enhance their health, safety and wellbeing and to contribute to building healthy, safe and active communities. Throughout the course, students are involved in practical and theory-based classes where they learn to understand how our body works, changes and challenges of adolescence, movement skills and patterns, drug education and nutrition.

Units / Topics Types of Assessment
Drugs and Alcohol Topic Tests
Mental Health Extended Responses
Online Safety Practical Assessment
Respectful Relationships Research Assessment
Changes and Challenges Case Study Assessments
Fitness Testing

Future Directions
This unit leads to Year 9 Health and PE and the options of choosing Year 9 Fitness and Training or applying for the Sport Academies.

Year 9 - Health and Physical Education


In Year 9, Health and Physical Education students will be provided with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to assist them in developing and maintaining their own and others physical, mental, social and emotional health. In the practical setting, consistent activity is promoted to encourage positive and ongoing physical fitness behaviours and habits, as well as the ability to organise and conduct team sport competitions.

Units / Topics Types of Assessment
Respectful Relationships Topic Tests
Consent Extended Responses
Managing Risks Practical Assessments
First Aid Media Analysis Assessments
Case Study Assessments
Fitness Testing

Future Directions
Successful completion of Year 9 Health and Physical Education can lead to Year 10 Physical Education and Fitness, Year 10 Health, Sport Education and Game Skills and the study of VET Sport Coaching for both Netball and AFL.

Year 9 - Health and PE: Fitness and Training


In this subject, students explore the functions of the human body, including the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, muscular system, and the skeletal system. Students will also study the energy systems of the human body. Students will also discover the benefits of leading an active lifestyle. They will create an individualised training program incorporating their chosen components of fitness and training methods. Students will learn about key principles of training and how to apply them to their physical training plans. Students will learn how to adapt their training programs to increase fitness levels and training performance.

Units / Topics Types of Assessment
Cardiovascular system Summative –Topic Test
Muscular system Summative –Research Task
Respiratory system Research Assessments
Skeletal system
Energy systems
Training Methods
Training Principles
Fitness Components

Future Directions
Satisfactory completion of this subject will provide the foundation for further study in Year 10 in subjects such as VET Sports Coaching and Health and PE elective options.