Year 9 - Humanities: Australians at War (Elective)

Year 9 - Humanities: Australians at War (Elective)


This unit aims to develop students’ understanding of Australia’s role in the first global conflict: World War I (1914-1918). It focuses on understanding the impact of the war on Australian society and identity, as well as examining the role that Australians had in determining the outcome of key battles during the war (such as Gallipoli and the Western Front). In doing so, students will be able to construct arguments about the emergence of a unique Australian voice and identity on the global stage through analysis of historical sources.

Units / Topics Types of Assessment
Factors leading to World War I: Topic tests
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism Document Study
Enlistment and the Australian drive for recruitment Fieldwork
The Conscription Debate and 1916-1917 Conscription Referenda Research task
Events of World War I: the Gallipoli Campaign and the Western Front Source Analysis
The Treaty of Versailles, the Post-War World and Commemoration Fieldwork

Future Directions
Completion of this subject can lead to further study in Year 10 Humanities: History – Australia in the Modern World and VCE History.