VCE Units 3 & 4 - Applied Computing (Data Analytics)

VCE Units 3 & 4 - Applied Computing (Data Analytics)


In Units 3 and 4 Applied Computing (Data Analytics), students apply the problem-solving methodology to analyse data using software tools such as database, spreadsheet and data visualisation software to create data visualisations. Their focus will be on determining the findings of a research question by developing infographics and/or dynamic data visualisations based on large complex data sets, consider data breaches and investigate the security strategies used by an organisation to protect data and information from cyber security threats.

Unit 3 – Applied Computing (Data Analytics)

After completing Unit 3, students will be able to apply the problem-solving methodology to create infographics or dynamic data visualisations to present analysis of complex data sets from large data repositories. They will be equipped with skills to manipulate, cleanse, analyse data and develop data visualisations using software tools.

Area of Study

  1. Data analytics – Acquired skills to identify, select and extract authentic data from large repositories, and manipulate the data to present findings as data visualisations in response to teacher-provided solution requirements and designs.
  2. Data analytics (analysis and design) – Acquired techniques to determine and propose a research question and collect and analyse data from both primary and secondary sources.

Unit 4 – Applied Computing (Data Analytics)

After completing Unit 4, students gain skills to develop infographics and/or dynamic data visualisations based on large complete data sets, consider data breaches and investigate the security strategies used by an organisation to protect data and information from cyber security threats.

Areas of Study

  1. Data analytics: development and evaluation – Acquired skills to develop design into infographics and/or dynamic data visualisations that addressed a research question.
  2. Cyber security (data security) – Apply systems thinking skills to investigate data and information security strategies within an organisation, and when recommending strategies to reduce threats to data and information.

Forms of Assessment

Teacher-provided case studies, tests and end of year exam.

Prerequisites and Corequisites


Link to Study Design

VCE Applied Computing 2025-2029 Study Design