VCE Unit 1 & 2 General Mathematics

VCE Unit 1 & 2 General Mathematics


Units 1 and 2 General Mathematics explores topics such as Statistical Data Analysis, Discrete Mathematics and Number & Algebra with a strong focus on routine techniques and processes involving mental arithmetic and the use of technology. These topics are explored in both units and provide a solid foundation of skills and preparation for the study of VCE General Mathematics at Units 3 and 4 level. *Please note: Under the VCE VM this subject is taken in place of Unit 1 and 2 Numeracy

Unit 1 Areas of Study

Students study content that includes percentages and ratios, comparing and investigating data distributions, linear relations and modelling, sequences and finance, and matrices.

  1. Areas of Study (for both units) 
    • Data analysis, probability, and statistics
    • Algebra, number, and structure
    • Functions, relations, and graphs
    • Discrete mathematics

Unit 2 Areas of Study

Students extend their study to include investigating relationships between two numerical variables, variation, graphs and networks, measurement, and trigonometry.

Areas of Study (for both units) 

  • Data analysis, probability, and statistics
  • Algebra, number, and structure
  • Functions, relations, and graphs
  • Discrete mathematics

Forms of Assessment

Students will be assessed on their content knowledge, use of technology (CAS calculator) and ability to apply their knowledge and skills to modelling and problem-solving contexts, including real world applications.

Each topic studied will be assessed via either a topic test or investigation task and there will be two exams at the end of each unit (multiple choice and short answer).

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Students intending to undertake General Mathematics Units 1 & 2 are expected to have satisfied the work requirements of Year 10 Mathematics.

Link to Study Design

VCE General Mathematics 2023-2027 Study Design